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2019年秋的申请季又一次来了,很多小伙伴们已经紧锣密鼓地投入到申请大军当中,对已经写好文书的童鞋,学姐给你们点赞,还在准备的同学,学姐也为你们鼓励,毕竟命运掌握在自己手中,但一定要记得英国录取先到先得这个规律~如上篇分享申请经验的Catherine说“学姐能做到的是能帮你们拿到offer, 但能不能成功入学,全靠你们自己~”学姐这次,经过大量的市场调查(问询了学姐经手的很多学生)帮大家整理了G5当中相对容易申请的UCL面试经验,你们收好~希望每个学生都能顺利通过第一轮材料审核,顺利通过面试大关,成功拿到心仪院校的录取通知书~如果有任何问题的话,欢迎随时咨询学姐或者美黎教育的其他顾问小姐姐们~


MSc Management




1. 由于UCL面试都是通过网络面试,所以大家一定要找个安静,网速好的地方进行面试;

2. 当面试官问你为什么要选择UCL和选择读管理学这个专业的时候,一定要表现出自己的主动性,是来自于你内心的想法;

3. 面试过程中,尽量保持镇定,表达明确,逻辑清晰,有理有据; 哪怕遇到新的问题,也不要惊慌,如实回答;

4. 申请之前,研究好UCL管理学的课程模块,写好的PS多看几遍,对你自己的相关经历一定要很熟悉,并且对自己未来的职业规划列出来一个提纲。这个职业规划,可以按照你之前的学习经历,实习经历,参加的课外活动,在你学习和生活成长的过程中的任何收获,以及你的专业技能配合UCL的管理学课程设置来写出来并且多加练习;

5. 回答问题注意不要长篇大论,注意时间限制,尽量在规定的时间内回答完问题(一般准备时间30秒-1分钟,2-3分钟作答);

6. 注意一直保持热情,真诚,积极,专业,尊敬的态度。



1.     Why UCL? Why Management?

2.     What courses do you think should be added into MSc Management and why?

3.     What is the key challenge around education according to current status world-widely? (相似问题:What are the main obstacles of improving international education ?)

4.     During the process of studying MSc Management, what can you learn from your fellow?

5.     What is your biggest academic achievement and how do you think it will help you successfully complete an MSc Management at UCL? (相似问题:what sort of contribution do you expect to donate to research or business community during studying at UCL?)

6.     Could you explain why you are the right candidate for the MSc Management and why the MSc Management is the right programme for you?

7.     Could you please give me an example of a current affair your recently read about? And what do you think of it? (相似问题:Think about a major problem of our times. Within three minutes, you need explain the problem, the reason why we should be concerned about the problem, and the main way we can solve the problem or reduce its negative impacts?)

8.     What is key element to drive you to fulfill your future goals? (相似问题:What are the interests that drive your career goal?)

9.     Which cultures, other than your own, are you interested in? Why?

10.  In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a good leader?

11.  In your opinion, who is the most influential leader in the world?

12.  On a scale from 1 to 5, in which 1 corresponds to strongly disagree and 5 corresponds to strongly agree, rate how important is authenticity in leadership and explain why?

13.  Do you have some work experience which impressed you? What is your career plan?

14.  What is your greatest strength and weakness?

15.  In which country are you going to work? Why?

16.  What career advice do you expect to get from UCL MSc Management?

17.  What is the key challenge of your career goal?


由于篇幅关系,学姐暂时先给大家总结MSc Management的面试经验,下期会把UCL其他几个比较热门的专业面试经验分享给大家~学姐可以告诉大家,目前时间还早可以多做准备,所以面试环节不用太担心。当然,如果你真的非常担心的话,可以找学姐帮忙,或者美黎教育的其他老师也可以专门提供面试培训,多次会和学生进行专门的模拟面试和沟通,尽量还原面试现场,帮助学生顺利通过面试环节~

ICP备案编号:京ICP备05056671联系方式:400-611-5767 联系地址:英国总部地址:Crown House, 231 Kings Road, Reading RG1 4LS 北京分公司地址:北京市朝阳区建国路乙118号京汇大厦3层(国贸C3口出步行2分钟) 上海分公司地址:上海市浦东新区松涛路200弄71号

Crown House, 231 Kings Road, Reading RG1 4LS E-mail: info@melleeduuk.com

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